Cactus Art Time

Here are two beautiful art projects creating Saguaros and Prickly Pears.

Saguaro Water Color

1. Draw a simple saguaro shape on white paper (you can also find a template online HERE)
2. Let them draw spines with crayons (use the crayons so you can still see the wax after they water color them)
3. Next, water color the paper
4. When it dries cut out the saguaros and glue them to black paper

Prickly Pear Project

To make the Prickly Pear project we collected pine needles on a nature walk. (You can also use dry spaghetti noodles)

1. Let your littles break the pine needles into cactus spines
2. Cut large and small pear like shapes from different shades of green paper
3. Give them a bright color piece of card stock paper, then let them glue the green pieces to the paper, in any random order... it always looks good
4. Then let them glue the pine needle spines on top and... colorful masterpiece!